
和平与正义倡议的遗产在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 anchors 可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义而工作's programs in a historical context marked by faith, 奖学金, 和行动.

AWSJ promotes 教育 and action for human rights and for the fair and responsible use of resources. AWSJ认识到识别的必要性, 评估, 解决不公正对妇女和女童的影响, 男人和男孩, 并寻求基于跨学科和促进性别平等的解决方案, 性别问题的方法.

自2004年以来, AWSJ赞助了一个年度系列讲座, 邀请国内和国际演讲者到校园演讲, to highlight and discuss some of the most important social and economic justice issues of the day.



The 20th Annual 可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义而工作 Conference returns to the Fall semester on Oct. 2023年3月3日,主讲嘉宾joy Clemantine Wamariya. 点击这里注册并了解更多详情.


  • 9:30 a.m. -接受报名
  • 9:45 -欢迎Lisa Powell博士,St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
  • 10:00 -工作坊第一期 
  • 11:00 -工作坊第二部分
  • 12:00 p.m. ——午餐 
  • 1:00 -工作坊第三部分
  • 2:00 -工作坊第四部分
  • 3:00 -茶点
  • 4:00 -主题演讲
    • 欢迎并介绍Amy Novak, EdD, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
    • 主讲人:“你是怎样的邻居??,作者是社会企业家和作家joy Clemantine Wamariya


亚伦Tarchinski, 凯瑟琳·麦考利中心
This workshop will cover what the Community Sponsorship Program is and how it helps local resettlement agencies and refugees settle into their new community. The goal of the program is to have community support for refugees to have ties outside of the resettlement agency. This workshop will cover what types of communities and businesses can become a Community Sponsorship Group and the background checks and requirements that are needed to start. Community Sponsorship Groups work on multiple case management projects alongside case managers such as finding housing, 财务及预算, 运输, 文化取向, 国家福利, 和更多的. The activity for this workshop will be forming a simulation Community Sponsorship Group for a refugee family of 5 and one person taking on a role of the group and doing research on what they do in their role. For example; the housing coordinator will research housing in the area for their clients by finding appropriate accommodations for the family and the price. Each member of the group will have a different role to research and figure out how to best help the refugee family. Printed prompts will be handed out with instructions on how to get started and what their role entails.

詹妮Halupnik, OneEighty
This panel discussion will explore how hospitality can be used to promote healing and restoration for people recovering from substance use disorder and reentering from incarceration. 我们将讨论待客之道, 正规买球平台有哪些关系, 而点对点的辅导为这群人消除了障碍. The panel is composed of three individuals who have each walked the recovery/reentry journey personally and now help others do the same through the 14-month residential recovery program at One Eighty, 达文波特的一个非营利组织, 爱荷华州.

Participants will listen to poetry and stories about immigration injustice and the trauma of physical hardships ,流离失所,与家人分离, 移民经历.


Leah Hodge, No (Hanna) Niang和Pascal Ramadhani, 世界救援
世界救援QC是四方城市的难民安置和社会服务提供者. 在小组讨论中,难民安置中心的工作人员将分享他们在安置过程中的经验. 他们会分享他们的故事——他们来自哪里, 他们身份的根源, 驾驭家庭和文化动态, 和更多的. They will discuss the challenges of finding their way in the United States including eating new foods, 学习一门新语言, 做他们家人的翻译, 和更多的. The panel will end with discussing the services that helped the panelists adjust and become thriving members of their community, 以及你如何参与其中.

减少伤害101:为什么人们使用毒品 值得热情款待
Viminda Shafer和Michelle Schmook, 四城计划
与我们一起探讨减少伤害和激进好客的主题. 通过讨论和活动, 我们将调查这两家公司的负责人, 为什么减少伤害和热情好客很重要, 以及我们如何通过这两个概念来支持受压迫的人群. You will leave with a list of items that you can implement in your everyday and professional life!

里克•史密斯 St. 玛丽修道院
好客是一种古老的本笃会价值观,可以追溯到六世纪和圣. 本尼迪克特本人. 在我们这个时代,这个价值的紧迫性只会增加,而且这种紧迫性正在增长, 尤其是当我们面对欢迎移民进入我们生活的混乱现实时. 我们听到的许多故事都是由恐惧驱动的,尤其是关于移民的故事. We tend to leave the issues as abstract for fear of being swallowed up by frightening practicalities. 讲故事为我们提供了一种途径,让我们了解自己生活中待客之道的平凡, 我们几乎没有意识到的事情却如此平常. This workshop will he3lp us to connect with the stories we all experience and encourage us to tell them, 对我们自己和最亲近的人, 从而培养我们对自己的热情好客的信心.


拉特科·拉斯托维奇和库德拉图拉·巴奇, 世界救援
世界救援QC是四方城市的难民安置和社会服务提供者. In this panel, staff from WRQC will share about their experiences through the resettlement process. 他们会分享他们的故事——他们来自哪里, 他们身份的根源, 驾驭家庭和文化动态, 和更多的. They will discuss the challenges of finding their way in the United States including eating new foods, 学习一门新的语言, 做他们家人的翻译, 和更多的. The panel will end with discussing the services that helped the panelists adjust and become thriving members of their community, 以及你如何参与其中.

莎拉·艾克尔贝里和布雷特·比尔曼, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
This workshop explores strategies for recognizing problematic workplace and campus behaviors that cause harm to the LGBTQ+ community. 本课程将介绍顺式和异规范的简要框架, and engage in a variety of scenarios that combine bystander intervention strategies and inclusive problem solving.

《变得更强大:我的下一个篇章 ...
特蕾西Singleton, TM BC执行董事
Empowering individuals on their reentry journey after incarceration requires collective efforts from all members of our community. “变得更强”研讨会旨在提供见解, 工具, and strategies that enable individuals to play a pivotal role in supporting formerly incarcerated individuals as they reintegrate into society. 该活动将是一次再入模拟.


我们真的欢迎吗?? 四城欢迎基础设施建设
麦克格林安 Tapestry的农场
说一个正规买球平台有哪些是欢迎的是一回事,真正的欢迎是另一回事. 一个正规买球平台有哪些需要什么才能让每个人, 包括移民和难民, 可以参加, 贡献, 并蓬勃发展? 答案是注重公民参与, 连接正规买球平台有哪些, 经济发展, 教育, 公平获得, 政府及正规买球平台有哪些领导, 以及安全的正规买球平台有哪些. 探索四方城市在哪里,以及它可能在哪里.

埃德温·乌贝达和安吉·瑞克斯, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台
伊莱恩·Kresse AAUW爱荷华学院和大学主任
It is increasingly essential for educators to understand how to demonstrate ‘radical hospitality' in order to provide a whole school approach to anti-bias 教育. 反偏见教育是一种精神, 是什么塑造了我们对待不同类型孩子的态度和与他们的互动, 家庭, 和文化. 为了解决孩子的语言问题, 的社会性, 认知发展, 我们认为教育者需要创建一个使用多种模式的学习者正规买球平台有哪些. 这个小组将分享研究成果, 的想法, and methods for cultivating equitable and inclusive social and material environments that support all students. 我们的小组成员将专注于教师与一系列学生的互动, 包括:那些正在学习英语作为附加语言的人, 那些可以从不同的教学/评估方法中受益的人, 还有那些可能经历过创伤的人. We will consider diverse children's participation in 教育al practices from the child's and the 家庭' perspective. We will also discuss how 教育al practice and settings shape children's (and their parents') perceptions of self as a valued (or not) member of the learning community.

玛雅·埃尔南德斯,格洛丽亚·曼西拉和卡琳娜·戈麦斯, 四城,跨信仰
我们很多人走路都很轻松, never thinking twice of having to pull out our identifications when we need them; from withdrawing money from our bank accounts to identifying ourselves at a hospital or clinic. 在这个研讨会上, participants will have the opportunity to identify the dozens of times we are asked for an identification and how many resources can not be accessed without an ID. Participants will learn how thousands of people do not and can not access a basic ID with such ease and are consequently barred from accessing many of the same resources that the rest of us enjoy. 在整个研讨会中, hear from directly impacted people leading the charge to fill this gap by organizing the community to advocate for the implementation of a Scott County Community ID.


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