
Students begin their coursework learning the 专业基础. 这包括 职业治疗的领域和过程以及支持职业表现的人体科学. 学生将在课堂和实验室经验中应用他们的知识.

The following semesters emphasize Occupational Engagement: A Fit between Person and Environment. 这些课程包括 examine the client and environmental factors that impact occupational participation, 包括指导评估和干预策略的证据,以促进考虑典型发展的职业参与, as well as the impact of disease, 受伤, 或疾病.

学生从事 实地考察 这样就可以在课堂上应用和实践原则,然后进行有指导的反思活动.

The final year culminates in a transition from student to practitioner with a doctoral capstone project, comprehensive exam, and capstone experience. This supports the Bridge to Professional Practice.

OTD项目以在线和校园课程的混合模式提供. 学生必须能够使用微软办公软件和互联网连接. A device is a computer or tablet with a full operating system. The computer or tablet uses a Mac, Windows, or iPad operating system. 目前所有的iPad都必须与微软Surface Pro 4兼容,运行Windows 10和Windows 11的新Surface Pro设备才可以兼容. University owned laptops may be avai实验室le for testing in emergency situations. 然而, 这是学生的责任,有一个设备,将允许课堂和测试活动. Please contact your faculty advisor for any needs, concerns or assistance.



OTD 515 Occupational Justice and Foundations of OT, 3 credits
OTD 530 Applied Neuroscience in OT, 4 credits
OTD 540 Analyzing Movement in Occupational Performance, 4 credits

OTD 550 Interventions IA, 5 credits
OTD 551 Interventions IB, 5 credits
OTD 555 Critical Inquiry I, 3 credits
OTD 560 实地考察 Level IA, 3 credits

OTD 575 Research Methods, 3 credits
OTD 580 Leadership and Management in OT Practice, 3 credits


OTD 600 Interventions IIA, 5 credits
OTD 601 Interventions IIB, 5 credits
OTD 605 Critical Inquiry II, 3 credits
OTD 625 Scholarship I, 2 credits
OTD 626 Capstone Project I, 1 credit
OTD 630 实地考察 Level IB, 3 credits

OTD 650 Interventions IIIA, 4 credits
OTD 651 Interventions IIIB, 4 credits
OTD 655 Critical Inquiry III, 3 credits
OTD 660 实地考察 Level IC, 3 credits
OTD 675 Scholarship II, 2 credits
OTD 676 Capstone Project II, 1 credit

OTD 705 Doctoral Capstone Proposal I, 1 credit
OTD 710 Doctoral Capstone Proposal II, 2 credits
OTD 725 Scholarship III (optional), 2 credits
OTD 726 Special Topics (optional), 1-3 credits


OTD 730 实地考察 Level II, 6 credits
OTD 735 实地考察 Level II, 6 credits

OTD 750 Capstone Project III, 2 credits
OTD 800 Capstone Experience, 8 credits



想要攻读职业治疗研究生学位的学生来自几个不同的本科专业. The most popular are Psychology, 社会学, 生物学, 人体表现与健康, 运动科学, 和体育管理. 当然,其他专业也可以很好地与职业治疗相匹配,比如音乐和艺术.

Along with satisfying requirements for the declared major, 学生还必须以C或更高的成绩完成这些OT先决条件,并且最低综合GPA至少为3.0(在4上).0规模).

All prerequisite grades must be avai实验室le by the Dec. 1申请截止日期或9月15日,如果要求考虑提前录取决定. Courses marked with an asterisk are exceptions.

解剖学/生理学I带实验室 杂志230年 4
Anatomy/Physiology II with 实验室 杂志232年 4
Medical Terminology (or competency) HS 250 1
寿命 212年心理学 3
统计数据 统计213 3
*Ethics or BioMedical Ethics or THEO 326 PHIL 207或PHIL 310 3
300-level or above Social Science 300级或以上 3
总学分 21

 *If applying for the General Admission pathway, 伦理可以在申请截止日期之后进行,但必须在OTD课程开始之前完成.




这些技术标准适用于整个OTD课程,可能包括在课堂上举行的活动, 实验室会议, and/or during clinical fieldwork experiences. 学生必须能够展示所有课程活动所需的技能, with or without 原因able accommodations.  合理的安排是为了减少残疾对学生表现的影响. Accommodations do not lower course standards or alter degree requirements, but give students a better opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. 

The 职业治疗博士 Program at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台获得职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)的认证。. The following ACOTE Standards support explanation of 技术标准: A.3.成功完成教育项目的每个部分和毕业的标准必须提前给每个学生. A.3.学生必须被告知并有机会获得提供给学校其他学生的学生支持服务. 

引用:  American 职业治疗 Association (2020). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process (4th Ed). 马里兰州贝塞斯达:AOTA出版社.  认证 Council for OT Education (2018). Standards and interpretive guidelines. 

技术标准  通用能力: The student must possess functional use of cognitive, 物理, and emotional systems including the senses of vision, 触摸, smell and hearing in order to integrate, 分析, 并以准确的方式综合信息,安全地收集有效评估和治疗客户所需的信息. 

观察: The student must be able to observe live, 模拟, or recorded demonstrations in the classroom, 实验室, 和诊所. This may include student-to-student, 学生对教师/主管, or student to client interactions and films, power point and other forms of visual presentations. 

交流: 学生必须能够与各种个人和专业人士以语言和非语言形式进行有效的沟通. These individuals could include clients, 家庭成员, 护理人员, members of the health care or educational team, 或者其他学生. This communication could happen on an individual or group basis. (Communication can consist of verbal and non-verbal methods including speech, 写作, 阅读, and interpreting tables and graphs, 以及计算机知识). 

知识: 学生必须能够发展和完善解决问题和批判性推理技能,这对职业治疗的实践至关重要. Intellectual abilities could include the ability to measure, 计算, 原因, 分析, reflect and synthesize material from courses and other texts, 期刊, 健康记录, 客户访谈和临床观察,以做出反映有效临床判断的决定. 

感觉及运动功能: 学生必须从客户那里获得信息,并提供直接的职业治疗服务,包括, but are not limited to: self-care training, 认知重新训练, 一般理家, 工作和正规买球平台有哪些再培训, 定位技术, 功能的移动, 转移, range of motion and exercise techniques, assistive technology and cardiopulmonary resuscitations. The student must be able to maintain equilibrium, have sufficient levels of postural control, 神经肌肉控制, 以及手眼协调能力, 并拥有身体和精神耐力,以满足长时间坐着的要求, 站, 弯曲, 蹲, 在临床和课堂环境中,为达到令人满意的表现,需要运动和体力消耗. 

Behavioral and Interpersonal Attributes: 学生必须具备充分运用其智力所需的情感技能, 在课堂环境和临床环境中运用良好的判断力并及时完成所有职责. 道德的发展, 成熟的, 与患者和卫生保健团队成员建立敏感、有效和专业的关系至关重要. 学生必须能够忍受繁重的体力劳动,并在压力下有效地发挥作用. They must be able to adapt to changing environments, 表现出灵活性,学会在面对患者临床问题中固有的不确定性时发挥作用. 灵活性, 同情, 同理心, 完整性, effective interpersonal skills, 关心他人是卫生专业人员所需要的个人品质. 学生还应该表现出及时性和足智多谋,以满足最后期限,并在各种环境中取得成功. 

*实地工作地点可能有额外的技术标准,超出了与校外培训课程有关的标准. The 实地考察 site determines accommodations given during 实地考察 rotations. 要求住宿的学生必须在实地工作实习之前通知残疾服务和学术实地工作协调员.

A student seeking accommodations may do so at anytime. Complete information regarding the process of obtaining accommodations, as well as additional documentation that may be required, can be obtained from the 无障碍资源中心 office. 

无障碍资源中心 563-333-6275, ARC@azarnewsonline.com, Cosgrove Hall, Lower Level, 518 W. 蝗虫圣reet, Davenport, IA 52803 


Jill Schmidt, OTD, Program Chair and Director

Center for Health Sciences Education
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52804




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