Major Map



That's why the SAU Career Center prepared Major Maps. They will help you Explore, Prepare, and Take action during your college years so that when you leave St. Ambrose University, 你已经做好了充分的准备,可以自信地走上人生的道路.

Additionally, 这些地图将帮助你开始和指导你与你的学术顾问的对话.

If you have any questions, use the contact information on the right.

How to Graduate in 4 Years

No matter your major, you can 四年后毕业,要有计划地实现这个目标.

Each major at St. Ambrose has mapped out a suggested, 4-year Plan to Graduate; you can find it under Degree Requirements.

Finance What can I do with this major?

What Do Employers Want?

According to the National Assocation of Colleges and Employers


  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: Ability to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data in this process; demonstrate originality and inventiveness
  • Oral/Written Communications: Has public speaking skills; is able to express ideas to others; write/edit memos, letters, and complex technical reports clearly and effectively
  • Teamwork/Collaboration具备团队合作能力,能够协商和处理冲突
  • Digital Technology展示对新兴技术的有效适应能力
  • Leadership: Assess and manage his/her emotions and those of others; use empathetic skills to guide and motivate; organize, prioritize, and delegate work
  • Professionalism/Work Ethic: Demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior; acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind; able to learn from his/her mistakes
  • Career Management: Navigate and explore job options; understands and can take the steps necessary to pursue opportunities; understands how to self-advocate for opportunities in the workplace
  • Global/Intercultural Fluency: Demonstrates openness, inclusiveness, sensitivity, 以及尊重所有人并理解个体差异的能力

How can I prepare for my future career?


• Check out what you can do with this major
• See where other students in this major have interned and secured employment
• Make sure to review these additional career resources
• Still unsure if this is the right path? Stop into the Career Center, 2nd floor Rogalski, during walk-in hours
• Use the BeeConnection 向校友询问有关其专业领域的问题,或要求工作见习或观察时间
• Check out these library resources for Finance majors


•准备一份简历、求职信和领英简介,在圣·马丁大学的第一年. Ambrose, and update it throughout your college career, attend a workshop, and have your documents reviewed during the Career Center's walk-in hours
• Check out this resume template and sample for your major
• Attend Career Fair Prep Week, 在你的大学生涯中,尽早练习面试,润色你的简历和LinkedIn简介
• Attend the networking & etiquette dinner (offered every other year) for dining etiquette and networking tips. Experts agree that 80% of jobs are found through networking
• Attend a salary negotiation workshop before you graduate, so you can better negotiate
• Attend a job / internships search strategy workshop
• Practice your interview skills virtually using the Big Interview

Take Action

• Start seeking internships 或者在你想要被雇佣之前至少一个学期有全职工作  
• Call (563-333-6339), email ( or stop by the Career Center in Rogalski Center, 2nd Floor, 所以我们可以给你安排一个职业顾问的约会,他会给你一些建议,并帮你联系你所在领域的校友,在实习或找工作的过程中指导你
• Attend our Career Fair to find internships and full-time opportunities
• Take EXPL 202, a FREE 1-credit P/F course, 对于你获得的额外实习机会,你应该在大二的时候开始寻找实习机会

How can I get relevant experience on campus?


● Attend Club Fest 了解所有参加校园俱乐部或组织的好机会,在那里你可以获得适用于你未来职业的技能
● Consider working on-campus in a work study (if eligible) or temp position. 查看BeeCAREERS网站上的招聘信息,看看以下与你的专业相关的职位是否有空缺:  
• Financial Aid
• General Accounting
• Student Accounts
• Accounting Department

Take Action

● Many clubs and organizations 在执行董事会中有财务主管或财务秘书的职位. Apply for these positions or self-nominate yourself for election. Several club budgets can have budgets up $70,000 to manage!
● Join the student organizations Finance Club, ENACTUS, and/or STING Motorsports
● Apply to be a Resident Assistant where you will learn how to plan and execute programming, confront conflict situations, embrace diversity, and foster lifelong relationships
● Apply to be a Peer Assistant 与一名全职教师或工作人员一起担任新生研讨会的学生联合讲师,在那里你将进一步发展你的沟通技巧
● Apply to be a STAR 在迎新会上,你将在哪里与新生和家长分享你的大学经历,并磨练你解决问题的能力和沟通能力

How can I connect with the community?

Take Action

No need to explore or prepare, just start taking action!
• Take part in Urban Plunge 在大学的第一年,并在整个大学生涯中继续在这个网站做志愿者
• Check out Volunteer Match 在达文波特,IA了解更多的机会,匹配什么对你来说最重要的
• Consider taking part in a service trip during Spring Break. 以前的旅行去过:阿巴拉契亚,密西西比北部,东圣. Louis, Cleveland, and Inner-city Chicago
• Participate in BEE the Difference Day 在秋天或春天的正规买球平台有哪些日,我们帮助附近的家庭为季节准备他们的院子
•每周与校园事工办公室和他们周六的服务机会一起探索不同的服务活动. 请在电子邮件中查看校园事工公告,了解该周的详细信息.
• Assist in elementary school/middle school classroom visits with Junior Achievement与孩子们一起学习金融知识、创业精神和商业理念

How can I think globally?


• Explore the Study Abroad Portal 了解大学提供的各种出国留学机会. 考虑在CAPA全球商业学院或尼科西亚大学留学一个学期. Excellent short-term options include St. 可以买滚球的正规平台商学院的教师领导的项目克罗地亚在冬季, Italy or London over spring break, or the Ireland Summer Internship Program.
• Attend the Study Abroad Fair each semester!
• Investigate your eligibility for outside scholarships to help pay for your study abroad. 例如,如果你是佩尔奖学金获得者,你就有资格申请 Gilman Scholarship.
• See whether the Peace Corps Prep program is a good fit for you.


• Meet with the staff of the Center for International Education to prepare for the study abroad application process
• Complete the Education Abroad Budget Planning Worksheet (pdf) and discuss with the Financial Aid Office how to use your financial aid to study abroad.

Take Action

• Major or minor in a foreign language, International Studies, 或国际商务,以扩大你的全球视野.
• When will you study abroad? Complete your study abroad application 花一段时间或一整个学期在国外做课程作业、实习或做志愿者.
• Participate in Multicultural Week activities each spring.
• Learn more about St. Ambrose's international students 加入蜜蜂之友项目或国际学生组织.

How can I prepare for graduate school?


• Explore different graduate school programs here
•  Check out college rankings on U.S. News and World Report
•  Make sure the programs you are considering are accredited by checking this database
•  Attend the I-74 graduate school fair to ask questions and explore options


除了上面列出的项目,为你未来的职业做好准备, you should: 

• Attend a personal statement workshop
• Check out a test preparation book from the SAU library
• Check out Learning Express Library for more test prep strategies and practice tests.
• Participate in Honors II Research your Junior Year.  Must have a GPA of 3.5 of higher.
•通过安排与职业顾问的模拟面试来练习面试技巧 Big Interview

Take Action

•一些项目的研究生院申请最早在12月截止. 列出你想申请的所有学校,并在大三的时候查看他们的申请截止日期和要求.
• Apply to at least 6 programs (2 you know you will get into, 2 you think you will get into, and 2 of your dream programs - according to Donald Asher, author of Graduate Admissions Essays)


Academic and Career Planning Office
Rogalski Center, 2nd floor
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多正规买球平台有哪些的虚拟和亲自访问选项.